Update 8: Adiós Mexico

MEXICO ash and porter punta allen tulum mexico

Our time overlanding the 14th largest country in the world has come to an end. Mexico remains my 4th favorite country. It is one of the most biodiverse countries on the planet.

From jungle to mountain, sea to desert, cities, wetlands, cenotes, and a world wonders. There is not enough time to explore Mexico.

Travel map of Mexico

Coming Soon Overlanding Mexico

Do you like beer? International beer sales for 2022 totaled 16 Billion dollars. Mexico owns the number one spot with a whopping 5.4 billion in sales. For reference 2) Netherlands 2 Billion 3) Belgium 1.6 Billion 3) Germany 1.2 Billion 4) USA 671 Million, with an M.

Mexico Bucket List

1) Diá de Muertos in Oaxaca City

2) Grutas Tolantongo

3) Casa Tutu

Mexcio food oaxaca

Each state in Mexico, and at times cities have their own special dish. Be sure to ask what it is.

new and old friends

new and old friends in mexico

One of the best parts of this journey is when great friends visit. My friend Nabeel stayed with Porter and I for one week in Cozumel. He also completed his open water scuba diving certification 🤿

This year my 2024 calendar SOLD OUT! Porter and I are so thankful to all who were able to purchase one or two calendars this year.

The support means the world.

the prince, Porter

black lab Porter da explorer

Per usual, he’s living his best life and is two months seizure free!

We had a busy time with new vaccinations and a international health certificate.

I am grateful for friends. Especially, my friend Talit who spent 4 hours with me going from the vet to the pharmacy. Communicating Porters condition, mediations, and our life situation to an understanding vet who generously provided enough seizure medication for 6 months!!

as for Ash

hi from ashley in Izamal

She’s tired.

It has been nine months on the road. 23,ooo miles of constant adventure, projects, selling my home, buying a truck, and building it up along the way.

Traveling has a way of exposing truth. Overlanding demands daily planning, cleaning, organizing, and maintenance for Porter, the truck and camper.

Notice anything missing? Perhaps, Ashley? Truth: I am tired because I have not been taking care of me. Good thing I enjoy new goals.

xoxo ash

girl on swing in the mountain Moorea French Polynesia

Hi, I’m Ash, a Wisconsin native, who left my career in corporate health care in 2019 and walked onto a one-way flight to Tahiti to travel full time.

Never in my life did I think it would forever change my life in so many ways.

This next journey will be an epic adventure as my dog and I overland around the world.

Hope you can follow along!

Read my full about me section here