Planning a trip to Moorea but not entirely sure how to get around the island? This post will cover all the options available to you as well as some of he pros and cons, should there be any.

walk, hitchhike, bicycle, e-bike, bus, scooter rental, or car rental
No matter what side of the island you stay on, you can safely walk. The con is that is would take you quite a bit of time to see the entire island.
Hitchhiking is common and safe in Moorea. Knowing bit of French may help.
Having a bicycle is an amazing option! Almost the entire island has a bike lane on both sides of the road.

Renting an e-bike is another great option. Especially, if you are planning to explore longer distances. While there is only one main road that goes around the entire island with a few hill, there are a lot of false flat stretches of road.
A false flat is a cycling term where the road appears to be flat, but it has a slight incline.

Taking the bus is an option, but you must know the bus is massively unreliable. The schedule runs on the arrival of the Aremiti ferry times. Which is why the tickets for that company cost a couple bucks more.
Renting a scooter is a great option for one or two people. In my opinion, the price is high versus renting a scooter anywhere else in the world.
If your time is short, renting a car is the best option. It is the best option if you have a group or are uncomfortable on two wheels.
Driving on the island of Moorea is as easy as it gets. There is one road that goes around the entire island and they drive on the right. You can make an entire day of it or drive the entire island in less than one hour.
To rent a car, I highly recommend you call or email to reserve your car rental as soon as possible. Between Tahiti and Moorea cars are limited and they can book up fast during peak season.
For a car rental company, I personally recommend Albert it is located by Manava Resort.
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